
Dinosaur Play Pack

Код товару: 100038516
270 грн
360 грн
Miles Kelly
Кількість сторінок
книги 180 x 180 мм
Для кого
для дівчаток, для хлопчиків
від 6 років, від 3 років, від 4 років, від 5 років
книга о динорзаврах, книга-раскраска, 3 картонные вида динозавров, пазл на 27 эл.
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Dinosaur Play Pack contains everything a little dinosaur fan will ever need including a dinosaur picture book and dinosaur puzzle book for endless reading fun. Lots of activities to keep children engaged. Colouring-in activities, puzzles and games encourage learning through play. Travel-friendly pack, perfect for children to take with them wherever they go. Contained in this awesome Dinosaur Play Pack is everything your child will need to keep their boredom at bay, whether they are in the car, on holiday, or simply indoors. The play pack contains four different reading and playing elements with a beautifully illustrated 24-page picture book, a brilliant dinosaur puzzle and colouring book, a 27-piece jigsaw and five 3D character models to pop out and recreate the action of the story. What more could you need in one tyrannosaur-iffic pack!

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