Star Wars Rebels Fight The Empire! (eBook)

Код товара: 100031451
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Dorling Kindersley
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New guided reading series from DK designed to help kids learn how to read and learn to love reading

Could you stand up to the mighty Empire? Have you got what it takes to become a rebel? Star Wars Rebels™: Fight the Empire! reveals all about the daring adventures of the crew of the Ghost, and their heroic struggle to free the galaxy.

Star Wars Rebels™: Fight the Empire! 'Starting to read alone' level, is part of the new DK Reads series, with three reading levels that help children become confident readers. DK Reads is created in consultation with literacy experts and adheres to leveled reading scheme guidelines so the grammar, vocabulary and content are spot on for each stage. The 'Starting to read alone' level develops skills to read confidently and accurately with fluency and good understanding.

©2014 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ® or ™ where indicated. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorisation. Visit the official website:

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