The Liars Girl [Atlantic Books]

Код товару: 100051909
361 грн
Atlantic Books
Кількість сторінок
174 х 146 мм
Catherine Ryan Howard
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Shortlisted for the Edgar Award, Best Novel 2019. Irish Times Best Book of the Year, 2018. Dark, yes, but tender too. The Liars Girl is tightly plotted and crackles with suspense. Ali Land, author of Good Me Bad Me. Her first love confessed to five murders. But the truth was so much worse. Will Hurley, Dublin's notorious Canal Killer, is in prison, ten years into a life sentence. His ex-girlfriend Alison has built a new life abroad, putting her shattered past behind her. Then the copycat killings start. Will holds the key to unlocking these crimes, but he'll only talk to Alison. Can the killer be stopped before there's another senseless murder? And after all these years, can Alison face the past — and the man — she's worked so hard to forget? A killer premise that totally delivers. A creepy, claustrophobic tale that never lets up on the tension while also managing to strike a truly tender note. Caz Frear, author of Sweet Little Lies.

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