
The Concise 48 Laws of Power — The Modern Machiavellian Robert Greene [Profile Books]

Код товару: 100051894
674 грн
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Profile Books
Кількість сторінок
118 х 165 мм
Robert Greene
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The perfect gift book for the power hungry (and who doesn't want power?) at an excellent price. The Concise Edition of an international bestseller. At work, in relationships, on the street or on the 6 o'clock news: the 48 Laws apply everywhere. For anyone with an interest in conquest, self-defence, wealth, power or simply being an educated spectator, The 48 Laws of Power is one of the most useful and entertaining books ever. This book teaches you how to cheat, dissemble, feign, fight and advance your cause in the modern world. (Independent on Sunday). The distilled wisdom of the masters — illustrated through the tactics, triumphs and failures from Elizabeth I to Henry Kissinger on how to get to the top and stay there. Wry, ironic and clever this is an indispensable and witty guide to power. The laws are now famous: — Law 1: Never outshine the master, Law 2: Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies, Law 3: Conceal your intentions, Law 4: Always say less than necessary.

Купити книгу The Concise 48 Laws of Power — The Modern Machiavellian Robert Greene [Profile Books], ISBN: 9781861974044 з доставкою по всій Україні за вигідною ціною в магазині «Бава».

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